乔纳斯·考夫曼——世纪男高音原名:Jonas Kaufmann, Tenor For The Ages,
The film follows operatic superstar Kaufmann over two years at a pivotal point in his career including his return to the stage after some time away from performing. The programme will give audiences unprecedented access to Kaufmann alongside intimate performance segments, concert footage and candid interviews presenting an artist at the height of his career.
好运* 2018-05-21
没想到考夫曼也是conductor思维且如此耿直活泼,演出前还去给拜仁打call,*** Proms舞台上收到两条panties唱完Rule,Britannia扔回米字旗boxer brief…不红天理不容的,当然最主要还是太帅,我茶都忍不住要代观众撩一撩
crystal53451 2018-01-16
DuoDuo🐿️ 2021-06-04