揭秘维纳斯:古代爱神原名:Venus Uncovered: Ancient Goddess of Love,
In 1914, the suffragette Mary Richardson attacked the Rokeby Venus at the National Gallery in London. But why did this painting fire such outrage? Professor Bettany Hughes embarks on a ****** of discovery to reveal the truth behind the Venus depicted in the painting, proving that this mythological figure is so much **** than just an excuse for sensual nudity and chocolate-box r...
sarah🇺🇦 2017-11-18
West Wycombe Park, Sir Francis Dashwood, the Hellfire Club, "fais ce que tu voudras" ("Do Whatever You Would Like")
淇厚生 2019-05-02
喜剧游戏姐妹堂 2022-08-17
香凝 2019-12-11
维纳斯崇拜 既有女权意义的一面,又有反女权运用的一面。古典文化复兴的文艺复兴,却是**崇拜的**转变。
远方 2019-11-12
Venus Aphrodite Cupid Uranus →Chronos →Venus Philomade's lover of male genitals Aphros 泡沫[希腊语] Kypris 库普利斯 →The lady of Cyprus 塞浦路斯夫人 The lady of lemba 伦巴夫人 维纳斯的前身 Ishtar ,Astarte ,Inanna 中东地区主管**的神 嫁给了Hephaestus 跛脚的锻冶之神,与战神Aries私通,**Adonis,儿子Eros(意为**,拉丁语为Cupid) The sanctury of Paphos 帕福斯圣所