

别名:Everything Ahead

演员: Tea Ljubešić Nevena Šegota Kristijan Kovilić




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白色大厦 皮塞斯·钦、Hout Sithorn 6.1
野蛮人入侵 陈翠梅、张子夫 7.2
1. 日落/ 07-11
2. 海鳝/ 05-22
3. 同车异路/ 06-24
7. 兄弟手足/ 08-17
8. 森林/ 09-05
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




即将到来的一切原名:Sve Što Dolazi,又名Everything Ahead

Branka is a young caretaker who has recently moved to an island to look after an elderly woman. After the harsh winter is over and her *** is finished, Branka decides to stay on the island for the summer season. She gets a *** in tourism, but the pay is meagre and the *** exhausting, ****** it just a temporary solution.

胤祥 2021-08-20

#27th SFF# 短片竞赛-萨拉热窝之心最佳短片+奥斯卡资质,世界首映。冬-夏的对比,冬季狂暴阴郁的大海,或者夏季人头攒动的度假胜地,都不属于女主角。伪装成一个旅游者,尝试获得一种外来人的目光,但是仍是刻骨铭心的孤独……弱化戏剧冲突,弱化表演,重视气氛和人物状态。冬天的小镇和大海拍得确实不错。

blood orange 2021-08-24

#27SFF最佳短片/奥斯卡排位 克罗地亚的海~