静物画的秘密原名:apples pears and paint: how to make a still life painting,
A richly detailed journey through the epic history of still life painting, featuring a range of delights from the earliest existing Xenia mural paintings discovered at Pompeii to the cubist masterpieces of Picasso. Awash with rich imagery of fruit, flowers and humble domestic objects, this lively take on the story of still life encompasses the work of some of the genre's greate...
游吟 2017-09-10
泠澈 2018-05-11
采桑子冷 2024-03-30
简单梳理下静物画的流变:古代世界(古**和古希腊的静物元素、古**fresco)——中世纪(宗教符号到《天使报喜》中百合花的象征意义)——文艺复兴(油画、打着宗教画的幌子、卡拉瓦乔《水果篮》)——17世纪:静物画的****(荷兰:宗教改革、海上贸易、消费社会、权力和财富的夸耀、世俗艺术、**矛盾、vanitas,西班牙:僧侣画家、otherworldly still life,科坦)——18世纪**(夏尔丹:反抗流行的洛可可、追寻真实与宁静、“描绘沉默”、聚焦与失焦,安妮·瓦莱尔-科斯特:女性艺术家的境遇与静物画的境遇合二为一)——19世纪(塞尚:现代主义、作为个体知觉的艺术、焦虑,Renoir Monet Gaugin创立静物画新语言)——20、****(摄影、立体主义、机器生产、广告等)
狸猫 2018-03-27
When we think about what happiness really entails, it often is about an appreciation of the moment, and of things that are right in front of us, and things that are quite ordinary. Still life helps us to stop and consider this world anew.
Jarek 2019-11-06
Bling 2018-12-19
想再看一遍!1.Cotan(16-17th)的画把日常的蔬菜水果画的像宇宙里的星球一样;2.Shardin(18th)的how to paint silence;3.Cezanne(19-20th)画室里两面的大玻璃窗的阳光,和试图用来捕捉的焦虑的色块;3. 21th**犯最后的一餐,用静物画的**构图来表现,恍惚间又回到17th荷兰****的虚空画;4.最后注水的杯子里不断变化的热气和泡沫,有一种极其缓慢的温暖舒展开来