惊魂课程原名:Master Class,又名杀机四伏 第13季E05
Zoe Stock,a brilliant pianist,is attending a music school run by the Fielding family when she believes she sees a woman drown herself in the river,having left her baby on the bank. When the police arrive there is nothing to support her claim but Barnaby recalls that a mystery woman died in identical circumstances eighteen years earlier. Her body was found by Catholic priest Fat...
Columbo 2011-02-02
1.符合一贯特色:凶手很好猜,但**程度超乎想象,本来只在CSI里见过类似设计,没想到英国乡村也能出这种事,应了马普尔那句人性到处都一样;2.开头部分有点像Sleeping Murder;3.Fox兄弟在ITV剧中各当了回凶手,不过为什么Midsomer盛产**呢?
托卡苏 2019-12-05
S13E04 ...这破地方的**也是过于多也过于**了点
懊恼的冷鱼 2019-10-12
侯二六 2014-10-15
Cheryl 2011-01-19
s13e05 **二字都不足以形容. sick,太sick了
萤火虫 2024-04-04