寂寞是光原名:Like Cattle Towards Glow,
A young man hires a male prostitute who can dramatically slow his metabolism. The john is trying to process the ******* of a friend that occurred after the john rejected him as a lover. A young male in a dark punk club screams into a microphone all of the violent traumas he or people close to him have suffered. Two male audience members who seem like they’re part of the show ho...
Q·ian·Sivan 2016-06-01
「Do you want to get to know me before I ***?」「I'm begging her to make him stop.」「Do you have any ******? You can **** me.」「I want him. → I want to **** them. → Fascist.」「Tragedy. It turns me on even **** than you used to.」
滿神的異** 2022-06-29
只记得是冲着Enrico D. Wey来的,IMDB上他为数不多的影视出演,忘记起因来由。五段式的散漫叙事,提取不出导演的内核安排,尤其注意这个译名,隐隐察觉是一个美化的谎言,单纯看英文译名,我并没抽取出任何“寂寞是光”的线索,反倒不如说“寂寞时光”更搭边。可是五段叙事的共通点,并不是寂寞,我看到部分涉及死亡,但也不是全部。对于导演多项功夫不到家的结果,用意识流去遮丑,我是不会买账的。
风雨夜归人 2017-06-13
硬搞 2016-03-16
Gorski 2016-06-18
O.LIVI 2016-07-19
😂不知道导演到底说什么 乱七八糟 而且皮肤一个比一个差
listenlisen 2024-11-17
beautiful, melancholy, lonely, erotic, sensual, unusual, original, weird, self-reflective
nichkhun 2016-04-03
寂寞是光 这个标题很贴合电影意境 不像其他人说的那么不堪 可能偏意识类的电影还需要更深刻的理解和该有的共鸣才会觉得是部好片吧
勇敢的心 2021-03-06
703M。1 平头男拒绝了一个喜欢他的人,造成他**,于是他招了一个长得相似的金发**来**让自己不抑郁。 2 鼻**男在***讲述自己的故事并被人围观**演出。3 金发男孩为了**** 4 装成野兽男女都想要抓到的美少年,后将其**,她们又被后来的一群人杀掉。5**女与海边失败男的对话。
张北以北 2022-04-05