基佬小子原名:Little Gay Boy,又名同志男生
This is the story of the journey of Jean-Christophe, from its birth to its rebirth. Born to a prostitute mother - that we follow for a moment -. And an absent father, JC, age teenager experiencing her sexuality and pushes the boundaries of his identity until he meeting finally the father fantasized. Between raw and phantasmagorical reveries violence, JC will find its way and gr...
Kid-King 2022-12-02
I L'Annonciation II Little *** Boy,chrisT is dead III Holy Thursday(The Last Supper) 实验风格:戏剧 艺术 ** ** 恋父 涅槃
同志亦凡人中文站 2014-06-20
. 2015-10-26
这个应该是基佬小子,**已死 Little *** Boy, Christ Is Dead的完整版
Nicolaas 2016-08-30