街头故事原名:Sidewalk Stories,
Our protagonist is resourceful, tenderhearted, homeless. He finds himself with a baby, someone else's, and suddenly his life shifts focus. The child, thankfully, does not redeem the main character whose actions are a natural extension of who he is-a nameless person. Without home and name doesn't mean without personality, and a life, and the instinct for survival. The main chara...
月球漫舞者 2013-11-14
NY 40.虽然悠扬悦耳的配乐仿佛让故事有了童话的质感,但最后的场景停配乐放出场景声音的时候,流浪汉的世界依然是如此冷冰冰而残酷,正如一开始镜头对准华尔街的上班族一样,这强烈的反差无比震撼。是一部能增加对纽约这个城市认知的好电影。应该让世界上更多人有机会看到它。
Cinema is dead 2020-05-05
小や 2024-02-02
squatting; homeless vs. "unhoused"; NYU Sight & Sound *******