假释日原名:Tercer grado,
On his first weekend parole after 5 years in prison, Mark Rodriguez witnesses the armed robbery of a security van. His brother's critical situation and his own feelings of remorse will lead him to take desperate measures. His only **** will be a young and sexy stripper he met the night before.
华盛顿樱桃树 2015-06-19
moon 2015-06-23
疯长的灌木 2015-06-16
Fancythat 2015-06-15
这几年西班牙影片质素很高 这热血的民族讲起故事来却很干练 不拖泥带水 演员表演细腻内敛真实可信 暴力血腥镜头看起来也更*真。不错的观影体验