

别名:Letters to Angel

演员: Mirtel Pohla Tiina Tauraite



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学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 5.9
老板娘3 徐冬冬、吴卓羲 4.1
1. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
2. 极寒之城/ 10-05
3. 制暴/ 01-04
4. 最好的相遇/ 03-05




给安吉尔的信原名:Kirjad Inglile,又名Letters to Angel

JJK, Jeremias Juunas Kirotaja has been taken with Soviet Army to the Afghan War where he escapes to join the Muslim troops. Having lived as a Muslim for 15 years, he returns home to Estonia. Everything has changed since the Soviet rule in his absence. Money has changed everything. Even the letters JJK wrote to his daughter have been sold and published as a best-selling book. **...

王超超 2017-01-10

不知道是爱沙尼亚文还是俄文的字幕 看得云里雾里 求中文或英文字幕 跪谢!