Imagine - Frank Gehry: The Architect Says "Why Can't I?"在线观看和下载

Imagine - Frank Gehry: The Architect Says "Why Can't I?" (2015)

演员: Alan Yentob Frank Gehry




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《Imagine - Frank Gehry: The Architect Says "Why Can't I?"》剧情内容介绍

《Imagine - Frank Gehry: The Architect Says "Why Can't I?"》


Imagine - Frank Gehry: The Architect Says "Why Can't I?"原名:Imagine - Frank Gehry: The Architect Says "Why Can't I?",

A fascinating look at the colourful career of architect Frank Gehry who despite being well into his eighties remains one of the world's most celebrated and famously provocative creative forces. From the iconic Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao to LA's Walt Disney Concert Hall, Gehry's buildings both intrigue and ignite. For Frank, rules are there to be broken.  Alan Yentob explores Ge...