血膏芳草地原名:Il prato macchiato di rosso,又名The Bloodstained Lawn
This is a hallucinatory, somewhat drug-abuse themed horror movie which is kind of an Italian version of a "Coffin Joe" film like "Awakening of the Beast", and with the same subtext of social commentary. It's about a group of aristocrats (a husband, a wife, and the wife's brother) who are literally draining the blood of the people. They pick up the dregs of society--prostitutes,...
过于平铺直叙 不知道血液是会变质的吗。。。
UlyssesJo 2021-06-02
真·吸血鬼的故事 跟铅黄也没什么关系 过程云里雾里 大多时间都没什么实质进展 背后真相意外朴实 疯子科学家丈夫和那个机器还是挺有科幻恐怖的感觉…这方面来说也算脑洞略大
per聆听 2013-09-01