I Can I Will I Did
Depressed foster youth Ben is bullied and as a result gets into a car accident. His recovery process is slow, until he meets Adrienne, a wheelchair bound fellow patient at the hospital who breathes hope into his life and introduces to him her grandfather, Taekwondo ****** Kang. Kang not only teaches him how to walk and get back up on his feet, but also how to take charge of his...
softknife 2024-06-09
1. This is how far I went to just see Mike in motion pictures. 2. Long haired Mike you'll always be famous. 3. Let Ben meet Art, that's the ** I want.
夏日** 2024-08-08
venfc 2021-12-12
Mike Faist好适合这种又神经质又脆弱的角色,从west side story来的,期待以后有更多的作品 女主好可爱啊
SSSSSSS 2024-05-23
開頭還不錯看,為什麼會發展成焦點全部渙散?Mike Faist is a cutie pie! 看他用Connor Murphy的造型扮演被霸凌的青少年,有種奇妙的fu~
吃萝卜的Sander 2024-05-26
被80的少年学跆拳道并不断成长。一开始不停从轮椅上摔下来感觉好痛。眼周一直泛红的Mike真的好可爱!不过这种“在医院遇到对方”的“爱情”励志故事太普遍了。还有,前期的台词也太糟糕了。“Why do you like me so much?”“I think you are pretty.”怎么感觉要是没女主,那个校霸Dorian其实是个深柜,喜欢Ben又不敢明说只能不停欺负他。叫Ben“Sugar”“Little Birdy”什么的。毕竟看见Ben被车撞后倒在血泊中他真的慌了。后来Ben打回去他也不还手,跟Ben道了歉关系缓和了点,Ben叫他“**”他也没反驳,最后还因为Ben说“You owe me”而去学了跆拳道。
嵇澹 2022-03-05
韩国跆拳道大师广告宣传片,混合半部被霸凌的孤儿青少年成长恋爱,关于**人和福利机构的讨论很少在主流励志题材看到,但都是蜻蜓点水地提及。以下是本片全部的看点罗列:mike faist speaking spanish/ mike faist got bullied/ mike faist nearly naked/ mike faist on screen ****/ mike faist dating an asian girl/ mike faist fought in taekwondo / ponytail mike faist/ crying mike faist /mike faist jogging in shorts/ vulnerable fragile mike faist