竟然還不錯 哈哈 when you walk into a club and you found that you have done slept with everyone.
Caoone 2017-02-21
七姐Clau☁dia 2019-03-10
如果不是认识Bianca ,估计没多少人会主动看这片子,这个故事是很没说*力的。
Queen J 2018-10-30
It's a good movie! But I have to say Bianca is way FUNNIER in real/drag life! She is ** (Queen J's) queen !! ps It's also nice to see Alyssa Edwards ;)
BullshitArtist 2020-08-20
竟然還不錯 哈哈 when you walk into a club and you found that you have done slept with everyone.
Caoone 2017-02-21
七姐Clau☁dia 2019-03-10
如果不是认识Bianca ,估计没多少人会主动看这片子,这个故事是很没说*力的。
Queen J 2018-10-30
It's a good movie! But I have to say Bianca is way FUNNIER in real/drag life! She is ** (Queen J's) queen !! ps It's also nice to see Alyssa Edwards ;)
影呆 2017-10-21
醉饮狂歌 2018-06-08
Yassss *****!! Movie star realness
又双叒叕 2019-12-20
哈哈哈以前看的 看在B姐份上3星不能再多了
byefelicia 2017-08-17
Bianca from Rupaul? 啊 就挺难看的
浅层睡眠 2019-02-11
雨夜飞行 2016-09-25
非常有趣,非常娱乐。Bianca *****的**之路。德州教练的腿要逆天啊,这样的德州牛仔请给我来一打!