火线惊爆点原名:Shadow Conspiracy,
MST3K fodder. It's so bad it's actually worth seeing just for that reason. There are some hilarious things in it, such as the mysterious device the bad guy is seen working on for the whole movie, that turns out to be this tiny helicopter that flutters around carrying and firing a machine gun without so much as a wobble, but is brought down by a bag of balloons (the kind they re...
玄猫 2022-04-08
电影开头那场干净利落的**和对这场**的后续发展抱有的期望,是支持我看完全片的唯一** 尤其通过藏杯子来掩饰人数这个设计不错,以及**拿起小狗狗,用枪指着,加上眼神的表演非常棒 但全片真的很无聊,甚至结尾烂的有种周星驰的无厘头幽默感 遥控直升小飞机,真**搞笑【5.5】
又弓 2010-11-09
1、比较喜欢那个**,看外形像东欧或俄罗斯的,片子里没有介绍; 2、遥控直升机+游戏机+形同虚设的安检+扫射美国总统,有点搞; 3、我们的女主演老了;
荒林 2020-05-03
jw 2020-05-19