霹雳金刚原名:La polizia incrimina la legge assolve,又名火拼第一线、High Crime
This was the first break-through success of a Poliziotti Italian crime movie and spawned several dozen imitations. Possibly the best film ever made, High Crime delivers the goods like few other movies, blending some experimental filming and editing techniques in with some good performances, solid action sequences, ***** music, and some pretty stunning photography by Alejandro U...
罗西基 2014-06-03
火爆辣手神探+高大上的动作场面活儿+不设上限的便当男女=成功的商业片儿。和同期美国的类型片相比,欧洲特色浓郁。Franco Nero既能塑造沉稳坚韧的Django,又能游刃有余本片这种狂躁不安的意版东木头,道行那不是一般的深。
\t^h/ 2018-08-16
同类经典 卡斯特拉里最好的意式犯罪片 摄影极佳 动作、追车戏都很给力 值得说道的地方太多 德安**斯的配乐堪称经典 故事开头跳房子的小女孩是Nero老**Vanessa Redgrave的女儿Natasha Richardson