Merlin moves to Las Vegas to pursue work as a magician, only to get hired as the front man in a revival of the notorious black male stripper crew, The Chocolate Chips. Led by Luther - now broke and broken - the old, domesticated, out-of-shape Chips put aside yakubd**** former conflicts and reunite to save the hotel they used to perform in while helping Merlin win back his girl.
徐清溟 2023-08-24
stillwater 2023-08-24
Merlin moves to Las Vegas to pursue work as a magician, only to get hired as the front man in a revival of the notorious black male stripper crew, The Chocolate Chips. Led by Luther - now broke and broken - the old, domesticated, out-of-shape Chips put aside yakubd**** former conflicts and reunite to save the hotel they used to perform in while helping Merlin win back his girl.
在JFK没等到你 2023-08-24
薏米绿豆粥 2023-08-18
张海翔 2023-11-25
妮克儿德尔佛科 2024-02-09
What did the bawling pin say to the balls?
刘野 2023-08-19
就挺无聊的hhh 我要反思一下因为有a list我看了好多烂片