Amanda Dartland accompanies her half-Apache husband Jonathan to a mining community where he will supervise the excavation of an almost mythical Apache treasure. His jealous rages and macho attitude cause her much misery, while the excavation ******* is threatened by prejudice and fear. Amanda tries to bridge the cultural gap, and Jonathan must do the same, or he will lose her. ...
Barbaraylor 2022-11-24
啥玩意啊 杰夫一张老成的脸演了一个那么幼稚的角色…md闪婚后一切矛盾用****解决我真的吐了!*雷点了…真的矿工但不矿工笑死我了😆男二评价的三个形容词真的精准!啊啊啊啊啊两个性感**怎么碰上了这种烂本啊…我**地不解!
國際性**** 2019-04-21
dodo 2010-10-12