

演员: Jérémie Renier Natali Broods Peter Van den Begin Babetida Sadjo



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破晓时分 克利斯提·普优、卢米妮察·盖奥尔吉乌 6.7
混蛋 文森特·林顿、齐雅拉·马斯楚安尼 6.5
2. 饥饿的心/ 10-02
3. 苏黎世/ 06-11
4. 秋天的舞会/ 07-19
7. 蜜糖/
8. 心跳停止/ 10-05
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




荒原之地原名:Waste Land,

Brussels. Homocide detective Leo Woeste lives together with his girlfriend Kathleen and her five year old son Jack. Day after day Leo is confronted with the grim underbelly of the ****. He tries to protect himself by balancing his *** with his family life. When Kathleen gets pregnant unexpectedly, Leo starts loosing control. He accepts one last case, the murder of a young Congo...

ShrimpEmpanada 2015-03-16


ZHANG-ZHANG 2014-10-05

BIFF2014 展现了一个正体**的刑警,临近精神崩溃的经历,对妻子的强势,不负责任。行为有很多理不出头脑的地方,好似集中就表现人为的紧张疑惑。导演的解释有点明白,欧洲日渐萧条和势下的环境,人们不由自主的焦虑,对前途不安。即便是迎接新生命,仍觉生命的沉重和痛苦。主题真深,好凝重