火色之星日出时原名:Mars at Sunrise,
Mars At Sunrise tells the story of a war waged on imagination. The film abstractly portrays the conflict between artists on either side of Israel's militarized borders, and explores how a powerful creative mind survives, and even thrives, under pressure. When Azzadeh, a young Jewish American poet, travels to Israel to see the land and people she has only ever heard about throug...
OreoEmpanada 2014-05-01
导演无拘无束的想象力把画家Hani Zurob的真实遭遇和她从无数巴勒斯坦人身上耳闻目睹的记忆片段融汇在一起,组成了这部超现实风格的拼贴之作。将以色列军官与主角平行对照的设定很大胆,同时还带有一丝难得的恻隐之心。如果在现有意象的基础上再稍做一些减法和梳理,故事的感染力还会更好。
滿神的異** 2016-08-26