红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者在线观看和下载

红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者(2003)

演员: Thomas Seibert




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《红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者》下载资源

《红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者》相关推荐

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《红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者》剧情内容介绍

《红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者》


红色电视:托马斯·塞伯特 - 诗人、共产主义者、失踪者原名:RedTV: Thomas Seibert - The Poet, The Communist, and The Miss,

"I will tell you the long story of two figures, one is the poet, the other one is the communist; one figure aligned to the missing people and one figure aligned to the class which up to now did not have the consciousness of its own historical mission..."  In this interview/lecture, Thomas Seibert discusses the problem of the notion of avant-garde. He traces the historical roots ...