别名:Men on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
演员: 蒂埃里·莱尔米特 朗齐·贝迪亚 弗朗索瓦-格扎维埃·德梅松 劳伦特·斯托克 帕斯卡·德莫隆
崩溃边缘的男人原名:Hommes au bord de la crise de nerfs,又名Men on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Seven men, all ****-dwellers aged between 17 and 70, with nothing in common apart from the fact that they are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown, meet up at a lonely station for an unusual course in the wild that is supposed to get them back on their feet. Each step in this boot camp, designed by an eccentric and feisty female coach, aims to reveal them to themselves. The ...
一麟 2022-03-18
我还是比较喜欢这种Dry humor + life irony的讽刺冷幽默,看到女教练和这么多男学员****挤在一个帐篷里汗蒸,我内心的直男毒又跑出来了…真好啊,男的像女的,唠唠叨叨**更年期综合症;女的像男的,养家糊口,发号施令,特立独行。女主角和我的法语老师声音表情简直都一模一样,super
Q 2022-06-01
我自己 2022-05-26
1ère fois que je mate une bite ** cinoche mais c’est pas chouette
@大月半子 2023-10-20