



大数据看吧 暂时没有为您收集到播放资源!



西西里岛 Gianni Buscarino、Angela Nugara 7.8
为萨德疾呼 居伊·德波、伊西多尔·伊苏 6.6
2. 漂流人生/ 05-13
3. 轮回/ 02-07
4. 邪恶不存在/ 06-13
6. 回放/
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 犯罪都市4/ 07-03
11. 海关战线/ 06-14
12. 功夫熊猫4/ 04-10




哈伦·法罗基小词典原名:Harun Farocki: Lexicon,

Five decades of Harun Farocki's film and video material are transformed into an audiovisual vocabulary, teaching key Farockian concepts from A to Z. This video essay takes inspiration from Farocki's lifelong fascination with the teaching functions of film and *****. Commissioned by the Goethe-Institut, a leading German-language educator in the world.

胤祥 2020-02-06

#49th IFFR# DeepFocus-Regained "Learning Farocki"特别**。以A-Z的关键词来梳理哈伦·法罗基的影片创作。

Lycidas 2020-02-08

"Learning Farocki" Farocki A-Z,有些词选得很精准,有些则像在凑数,多少被形式限制住了。