别名:Story of a Great Love
Historia de un gran amor又名Story of a Great Love
Shakespeare couldn't have said it better. This tragic love story has some interesting added ingredients to the original Romeo and Juliet. The movie shows us several facets of the human nature. From greed and hatred, to impotence. From pure love to desire. From submission to a macho attitude. The fatherly figure is very strong; his will has to be obeyed at all times, even if thi...
鱼蛋佬🍢 2019-06-15
[BAMPFA] 即使长辈的介入或静观惊人、合理又意味深长,命运英雄还是没能被拯救……只能在独特的习合宗教中rave on罢。新现实主义/库尔贝式的视角宽广地展露了当地文化与心理,马刺戴在脚背、男女装疑似骑师风格、舞蹈也与欧洲宫廷若即若离;每名短暂的舞者都有特写与名字,就像在火花间疯狂跑腿的纸牛一样可爱
紫苏 2017-03-06