


演员: 莱·拉索-扬


更新时间: 10-18 20:56

资源状态: 可播放







核心家庭原名:Nuclear Family,

Divided they fall.  Nuclear Family, from award-winning filmmaker Ry Russo-Young, tells the extraordinary story of a pioneering young family and the forces that threatened its very existence. The 3-part *** original documentary series premieres September 26 on *** Max.

🍄 2021-09-29

the fact that dzyn allowed himself to get block-u-the-fck-out that kind of angry, the fact that he thought he had the right to be so pissed off at such .. whatever the little thing ive done n said was just ...weird, even scary to me.

流浪的吹西 2022-02-26

very good topic and very private portrayal.

王家小壹 2023-02-06

蛮典的,进步主义律师白***男捐了个精和小孩玩了几年就想要parental rights了,一开始签协议可完全无所谓,一旦上法庭,啥lesbian fusion都来了。// 这个片子语境下的 Nuclear Family 是针对这四个人以外的一切说的,不需要法律来定义她们是不是正常的家庭,也不需要***&lesbian community越过她们自己的family boundaries非要加进来搞什么新型的 Big Happy *** Family。// 当然最牛的地方是这个导演本人就是故事本身的焦点,让人放心的看完了,不用担心本该是**核心的小孩想法被*曲。//从成年人热爱自我感动的角度看***挺可怜的,不过男的到底还是想赢啊!会不清楚lawsuit会让所有事情无法回头么//这两个妈是真的牛。 "He made himself a big deal." "You adored him. And as a kid he betrayed you." 给Conservative拉拉起立鼓掌!

stjäla hund 2022-02-13


** 2021-10-19

Heartfelt, and a lot of respect for this family