和史特拉一起做饭原名:Cooking with Stella,
Stella has been a cook in the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi for 30 years. She is brilliant as a cook, and brilliant at creatively padding her salary. A newly posted Canadian diplomat and her husband Michael arrive with their baby. Michael was a chef and he is longing to learn authentic Indian cooking. Stella agrees to be his "cooking guru" but her cozy domestic set-up i...
kennyOfRobot 2010-06-22
导演想说明: 印度人都偷鸡摸狗还心安理得. 加拿大人都善良淳朴,宽宏大量
非 2010-06-18
chains 2011-09-28
导演说的很对,这是一部包着糖衣的黑色喜剧。 Stella = 大姐大没的说
幾米 2010-12-19
也是在电影节上看的,很深刻。 放映前的半个小时和观众的见面,还是很不错的。 尤其是那个印度裔的导演。 影片很深刻,尤其是主演LISA是在患病之后出演此片更是不容易。