别名:Black Sun
黑太阳原名:Schwarze Sonne,又名Black Sun。创作于德国地区,具有德语语言版本。由Rüdiger Sünner执导,并由Rüdiger Sünner任编剧,携幕后团队创作。
The film "Schwarze Sonne" clarifies the influence esoteric ideas and myths had on the ideology of the Third Reich. At the beginning of the 20th century in Germany and Austria, many occultist and neopagan groups were established which, while misunderstanding and misinterpreting legends and symbols, professed the dominance of the "aryan race". Many among the Nazi leaders felt con...
铅黄 2020-01-04
執殳 2021-06-07
纪录片改编自导演同名著作《Schwarze Sonne: Entfesselung und Mißbrauch der Mythen in Nationalsozialismus und rechter Esoterik》,研究万字符的**暗黑起源,挺适合猎奇。
故乡的晨曦 2023-07-02