

别名:House of Shadows

演员: Michael Koltes Paul Flannery Steve Weston Lisa Livingstone Lisa Cameron


更新时间: 08-04 16:38

资源状态: 可播放



混合 Shannon Beckner 4.6
死亡房间 杰德·布罗菲、Jeffrey Thomas 4.0
1. 恶灵困扰/ 02-03
2. 死神地窖/ 03-10
3. 复仇遗言/ 03-06
4. 柳树街鬼屋/ 07-31
6. 千万别睡着/ 01-21
8. 恶魔App/ 10-03
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
11. 孤注一掷/ 02-02
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




黑暗的幽灵原名:Ghosts Of Darkness,又名House of Shadows

Two paranormal investigators are unexpectedly thrown together in the hope of solving a 100 year mystery. Locked for three nights in a house with a dark and unsettling past, the two investigators must put their differences to one side and work together. Scepticism and showmanship are soon put to one side when the two investigators realise there is **** at stake than just their p...

~~~~ 2022-08-28


漩涡 2017-03-21


马略卡岛民 2017-03-19


丁满柯南 2017-06-19


鬼王天使 2017-04-16

额,高科技+老式驱鬼,可惜两个都不专业 些微搞笑吧,最后也没成功驱魔…

专注恐怖片30年 2017-04-05

...科学探灵和天赋通灵,一个靠科技,一个靠技能, 结果明显是天赋技能更胜一筹。。