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Halmat na borovinkite

别名:Blueberry Hill



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《Halmat na borovinkite》相关推荐

老板娘3 徐冬冬、吴卓羲 4.1
末路狂花钱 贾冰、谭卓 5.9
1. 富都青年/ 04-23
2. 极寒之城/ 10-05
3. 学爸/ 10-14
4. 最好的相遇/ 03-05

《Halmat na borovinkite》剧情内容介绍

《Halmat na borovinkite》


Halmat na borovinkite又名Blueberry Hill

The film is a kaleidoscope of people, events, feasts, curses, drunkenness and love.  a masterpiece from all points of view, 23 October 2007  Author: mrisova2002 from Bulgaria  Describing Bulgarian reality and "train life" with perfect insight. Black humor but that's what keeps us survive here. The slang of the old lady, locked in the train's toilette, is simply a masterpiece. What...