古装戏故事原名:The Story of the Costume Drama,
Description: Keeley Hawes narrates this five-part series examining the extraordinary impact that costume and period drama has had on television history over the last 50 years. 1/5. The Greatest Stories Ever Told. Cynics dismiss the genre as a threadbare parade of bonnets, frilly shirts and cliches, but costume drama is subject to trends, too. Mind you, Jane Austen has ruled the...
Woodchuckle 2011-03-03
题材很好, 讲得蜻蜓点水, 没啥细节; 覆盖面看起来挺广, 但是翻来覆去重点讲的总是ITV那几部. 好处是知道了些七八十年代的老英剧, 可以找来看看; 另外Keeley的声音不错.
九月五的酒 2011-07-30
泠风 2011-03-04
珈 2011-05-04
ccinder橘躺平 2013-01-10
#瞬间收藏家# 2015-04-09
Lucas时期的RA的采访~2014-01-10 ****://***.richardarmitagenet****/downloads/59-costume.html
游信 2012-01-31
深入幕后的**介绍 里面的很多剧集都堪称经典中的经典
sarah🇺🇦 2011-02-21
gets quite repetitive, esp. watch 5 eps at once
SissiloveKimi 2013-12-10
看完脑子里只有Anthony,Derek爷爷和RA的脸~ 实在太美好了~ 可惜铁叔没能加入~ 虽然大部分其实都还没看过,有些太过古老的都不一定找得到资源,但无论何时costume drama总是那样的美好而摄人心魄~ 这是用艺术镌刻下的历史,一段永不退色的经典~
圆紫凝 2011-03-18