





猎鲨 Dean Cochran、Alan Austin
食人鲨 杰森·多灵、弗雷德里克·多斯
1. 灵异鲨鱼/ 01-06
4. 奥索卡鲨鱼/ 10-02
5. 夺鲨奇兵/ 10-20
6. 恐怖鲨鱼夜/ 11-26
7. 原子鲨鱼/ 07-30
8. 陆鲨/ 07-26
10. 角斗士2/ 01-08
11. 唐探1900/ 03-07
12. 忠犬八公/ 10-12




鬼鲨2:都市狂鲨原名:Ghost Shark 2: Urban Jaws,

Nine years after the events of ***** SHARK Jack Broody is the mayor of Auckland, New Zealand, and former Lieutenant Commander Tony Palantine is down and out on the streets. The mayoral electoral campaign is underway and Broody is down in the polls, with newcomer Marco Guerra winning the hearts and votes of the public. But people start turning up dead all over the ****, and it s...