上映时间:1901(英国) / 1902-05(美国)
古董店的幽灵原名:The Haunted Curiosity Shop,
The Haunted Curiosity Shop is a 1901 British short silent horror film, directed by Walter R. Booth, featuring an elderly curio dealer alarmed by various apparitions that appear in his shop. The film, "was clearly devised purely as a showcase for Booth and Paul's bag of tricks," and according to Michael Brooke of BFI Screenonline, "it's an effective and engrossing experience."
应快活像个天使 2023-01-04
YYYs 2011-09-20
这该叫The magician's curiosity shop
Panda的影音 2023-12-18
古董店的幽灵 The Haunted Curiosity Shop (1901):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1sS4y1W7DR/
你sha不sha 2022-05-01
啊导演Walter Booth是真的魔法师欸!很多桥段在梅里爱的片子里也用过,这部象征意义大概是比较早期的Egyptomania(?)作品,刚好处在Victorian博物馆学狂潮和影像发明的节点上。
景怀 2021-01-24
好**啊 120年前居然能做的这么好
Fear of God 2024-07-15
Jasminesocool 2020-04-20
【horror补课】可可**!油管上有很多大神自己给默片配了乐,更加可爱了!一百年前能有这技术very impressive,而且这情节多灵动啊!
炒饭回家吃安利 2022-09-13