杰赛普拍电影原名:Giuseppe Makes a Movie,
In Ventura, CA, Giuseppe Andrews makes movies in his trailer park where he grew up. A former child actor in some big movies (Independence Day, Unstrung Heroes, Never Been Kissed), Giuseppe is inspired **** by the crazy independent filmmakers of history: Bunuel, Cassavetes and Fassbinder. Obsessed with the edges of society, dirty language spoken as poems and occasional nudity, G...
徐垫 2014-06-22
饥饿艺术家 2018-12-01
太棒了,一看是手持 DV,还以为是普通的迷影电影,没想到越来越有意思。 Trailer park 的生活原来是这样。@MUBI
Anubis 2022-07-01
感人。这才是foot soldier of cinema啊。我自己这种常年因为怕做出来不够好而不去做的,实在需要吸收这种fuckitism。片尾看到Giuseppe搬到了奥斯汀略感不详,一看imdb他正在拍的新片预算2.5M。。。但愿不要被招安
Gale 2022-01-26
Mubi 里竟然有动画片!? 欸 不是动画片
paradiso 2019-10-15
从儿童演员到拖车王子(本片导演以前启用他主演过《摇滚城市底特律》),Gieseppe自命为拖车版荷索,拍片方式令**开眼界:几十美金**流浪汉退休失能老人等等(主要开支是酒水和大卖场***装道具),不用背台词,导演现场口授演员只需复述,小数码拍摄,自己剪片谱曲配乐,不过具体事务需要制片大叔(曾经给Bee Gees当过巡演贝斯手- -)*办,总之几天就能出一片,好坏实在无法判断,创作**是爆发的。小伙子心眼挺好的,对老大爷一把*一把尿地照顾着。
qw0aszx 2019-06-02
想拍**电影的人都该看一看 ★★★★
Lady Midnight 2022-01-08
太棒了 正*繁思考**电影是什么 应该怎么拍 就遇到片子里Giuseppe展示**制作应有的魅力 拍摄前后 动机结果 于己于人 都带着动情的人性
么什叫定决能不 2017-01-07
"I don't find money exciting or creative. It excites me not to have it and have to work off ** mind to ****** something from nothing."
被**故意把夹 2014-09-11
"There's no barriers for him in ****** his movies."