Gilda Sue Rosenstern: The Motion Picture!在线观看和下载

Gilda Sue Rosenstern: The Motion Picture!(2018)

别名:The Gilda Sue Rosenstern Computer Internet Show: The Movie

演员: Robin Spriggs 杰森·麦克唐纳 莎朗·莫里斯 凯萨琳·戴尔 巴特·汉萨德




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《Gilda Sue Rosenstern: The Motion Picture!》剧情内容介绍

《Gilda Sue Rosenstern: The Motion Picture!》


Gilda Sue Rosenstern: The Motion Picture!又名The Gilda Sue Rosenstern Computer Internet Show: The Movie

A half-Jewish, half-Irish Southern belle's cocktail-fueled life of shopping and vlogging takes a turn for the strange and hilarious when daddy stops paying her bills.