山巅幽灵原名:Ghost of the Mountains,
***** of the Mountains is a 2017 nature documentary about snow leopards in China. Directed by Ben Wallis and narrated by Antoine Fuqua, ***** of the Mountains was released theatrically by Disneynature on June 30, 2017. It is the eleventh nature documentary released under that label.
missvege 2021-01-13
小海 2022-08-01
小雪豹太可爱了 真的是群山之灵 希望能有更多的人能关注西北及高原地区的濒危物种
鸟鸟弗斯 2020-10-18
snow leopard真的是隐身大师。整个片子最**的部分大概就是,看图找大猫吧。大猫也是猫啊,好可爱啊!!!想*!!!然而美国人拍纪录片就拍纪录片嘛,纪录片也要搞抓马。
小咿子 2021-04-20