

别名:Farewell to the safe side of life




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创造奇迹的女人 乔兰塔·乌梅卡、Ladislav Mrkvicka 7.3
白桦树 Manca Kosir、韦利米尔·巴塔·日沃伊诺维奇 7.9
1. 分裂/
5. 餐桌时光/ 10-04
6. 爱使眼明/ 12-01
8. 候选人/ 12-02
9. 老板娘3/ 08-30
10. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
11. 富都青年/ 04-23
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




告别稳定的生活原名:Abschied von der sicheren Seite des Lebens,又名Farewell to the safe side of life

High on Work: We have left a heroic and post-heroic industrial age behind us. Farewell to an era when work was still abundant. Yet the adage still holds: Only work makes life real (Marx). The turbulent zones of globalization, in the cafeteria of Brecht's Theater, Helge Schneider as an unemployed woman in Spain, "working to pieces" in the concentration camps. Farewell to the saf...