

别名:The damned women's dance

演员: Lisbeth Zachrisson Nina Harte Helene Friberg Lena Wennergren




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刺激 英格丽·褒曼、哈里特·安德森 7.1
海星 吉吉、罗贝尔·戴斯诺斯 7.9
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




该死的女人跳舞原名:De fördömda kvinnornas dans,又名The damned women's dance

The film shows **** women moving in a crowded, closed room to the music of Monteverdi. They represent women living by passing on a role that is passed down to them for generations. Two of the dancers are damned souls that come to life, the third is death and the fourth a child born free, but forced into the other female roles.

莫仔 2020-05-23


vivi 2016-05-28

第一眼看到小女孩想起“Trollflöjten-1975”里那个微笑的小女孩观众,没想到Helene Friberg 还真是那个小女孩!另外三位舞者也是魔笛中的演员。**特写,手、表情、发丝、颈,尤其喜欢小女孩躺下后轻轻的呼吸吹动头发的那一下颤动。伯格曼的作品几乎都是宝。

octopus 2021-07-20

看不懂更深层次的东西 但伯格曼的中近景长镜头功力真的很了不起

wangzhy 2021-06-13

魔笛观众小姑娘加入 Donya Feuer 也是**者 通过多个面部组合特写 Sven 的黑白光影表意

stknight 2020-02-28

The film shows **** women moving in a crowded, closed room to the music of Monteverdi. They represent women living by passing on a role that is passed down to them for generations. Two of the dancers are damned souls that come to life, the third is death and the fourth a child born free, but forced into the other female roles.

曳航 2021-11-20


全职灭菌乳 2020-03-20


江浙沪唯一土狗 2022-06-14


polyamide 2023-02-22

伯格曼电影里的女性: 面无表情地灵魂外溢状态

Grigia 2020-01-10
