聚焦谢尔盖·洛兹尼萨原名:Focus Sergei Loznitsa (panel discussion),
The 2014 Astra Film Festival's Focus Loznitsa now presents his latest documentary Maidan, alongside three of his earlier works—The Train stop(2000), Landscape (2003) and Blockade (2005)—as well as a panel discussion related to the concept of “authorship” within film-****** between Sergei Loznitsa and Cristi Puiu, moderated by Neil Young (film critic, UK).
wangzhy 2021-04-23
不爱电影的 Puiu 还是思辨意味的用 Mise-en-scène 切入询问以及记录冲突**里镜头是否会被情绪裹挟 感知先行的 Loznitsa 则用 Blockade 举例如何调配安置素材 时序性还是戏剧性 2333 这一点上和当时温柔女子那次采访里关于“和谐”“波浪”的对答是吻合的 而纪录片的一些思路又和马英力在台北讲“梦的背后”那种想法契合 当然俩人一个普朗克&等离子态 一个则是 Celibidache 灵感也是挺逗的 最后讨论到 Yanukovych Poroschenko 那边自然也有 Iliescu 以及 Ceaușescu 哈哈哈 Puiu 太焦虑了