Fluxus Replayed在线观看和下载

Fluxus Replayed(1991)

演员: 白南准 小野洋子 杰克逊·马克·洛 Dick Higgins George Brecht




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《Fluxus Replayed》剧情内容介绍

《Fluxus Replayed》


Fluxus Replayed

In a radical action like Nam June Paik destroying a violin, and rolling up in bandages the bodies of the players in in a concert by Yoko Ono, the international avant-garde group Fluxus changed not only art, but the concept of it.  Fluxus Replayed is a document of a 1991 performance in New York, which reproduced historical Fluxus performance pieces from the early 1960s.The S.E....