Flower by the Wayside在线观看和下载

Flower by the Wayside(2010)

别名:Bato Muniko Phul / Batomuni Ko Phool / Bato Muni ko Phool

演员: Babu Bogati Nandita K.C.




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《Flower by the Wayside》剧情内容介绍

《Flower by the Wayside》


Flower by the Wayside又名Bato Muniko Phul、Batomuni Ko Phool、Bato Muni ko Phool

Class discrimination based on caste remains strong in modern Nepalese society. Slesh from a low-caste family and Glash, a daughter of a high-caste family have been in love since childhood. But, when a big incident happens in their village, caste difference casts a shadow over their love… With a backdrop of splendid landscape, this pure touching drama depicts what is most import...