拍摄《审判》原名:Filming 'The Trial',
"Filming ‘The Trial’ (1981) is a 90-minute Q&A at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Orson intended to do it like Filming ‘Othello’ (with scenes from The Trial and other interviews added later) but we never got around to it. The Munich Film Museum took all ** reels and stitched them together to make a 90-minute movie – and it works! A lot of people were there...
橙子换马甲 2015-07-18
关于电影“审判”的问答,视*质量超差但是超好看~反正就老头一个人坐那儿讲也没啥***就当音*好了~><【连同电影打包:****://t.**/RLIPd8j ogus 【开头就是黑屏的,里面也经常就是会中断的,声音就是只有一个耳朵的==