Ferris & the Fancy Pigeon在线观看和下载

Ferris & the Fancy Pigeon(2016)

演员: Nathan Williams 格雷厄姆·福克斯 William Huw James Wilbraham Matthew Pritchard




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《Ferris & the Fancy Pigeon》剧情内容介绍

《Ferris & the Fancy Pigeon》


Ferris & the Fancy Pigeon原名:Ferris & the Fancy Pigeon,

When Ferris, a teenage boy with a passion for fancy pigeons, leaves school, his father finds him a *** at the local factory. Ferris goes along with his father's plan until the day the school bully he thought he'd left behind confronts him. Ferris abandons his post and the punishment his father exercises forces Ferris to finally face up to some difficult home truths.