风暴原名:The Storm,又名风暴 The Storm。2009年剧情、动作、科幻、惊悚类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Bradford May执导,并由David Abramowitz、Dennis A. Pratt任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位James Van Der Beek、Treat Williams等著名实力派明星加盟。于2009-07-26公映。
Scientist Kirk Hafner attempts to stop billionaire Robert Terrell from destroying the earth with his "weather creation" technology. Terrell's determination to manipulate the weather causes catastrophic weather conditions -- a combination of hurricanes, sandstorms, and drastic temperature changes that cause panic and hysteria across the globe. Hafner employs the **** of news rep...
J. 2009-08-02
特效就做了那么一个 反复多角度用…… 剧情发展俗到不能再俗的地步了。。
bigman 2012-01-02
murphy 2010-08-21
lmp 2009-10-31
实在是忍不住说,这是部伪科幻 :)
影舞者 2009-11-02
风雪 2009-11-24