非洲的绝望原名:The African Desperate,
The first 24 hours as an MFA. Palace (Diamond Stingily) is a tall black Aquarius and a sculptor on the up. She was in the Venice Biennale, among other shows, which pisses people off; they think her success is not because of her art, but other attributes. She is exhausted, frustrated, and wants to go home to see her family. She plans a silent protest to not attend the graduation...
simon 2022-12-24
双子8s 2023-01-09
Tara 2022-08-23
#miff2022 trailer比正片好看 最喜欢palace和男的在车里的那段 真实好笑 看了绝对不想喝醉不想high 看得昏
游目骋观影译制 2022-10-28
休伯利安 2024-01-17
好像这种**风的讽刺喜剧我真的不是很能get到,艺术生的生活可能离我还是太远了🤣 #NWFF Featured@AmazonPrime