恶性循环原名:"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" Vicious Circle,又名Vicious Circle
Manny Cole is a hit-man for Mr. Williams. He kills a man for messing up a jewel robbery. When she finds out about the murder, Manny's girlfriend accuses him of murder. She threatens to go to the police. Mr. Williams orders her killed. Manny tries to do this, but she is later accidentally killed. Manny is rewarded by Mr. Williams. He becomes his right hand man, until he is kille...
Guruthosriel 2018-08-20
Columbo 2011-08-21
noel 2018-10-19
Kathleen Hughes加半星。不过为啥**总是要**新**杀老**呢。新**也会明白自己的下场的。
最** 2019-06-06
MoCuishle 2024-07-15
S02E29 片名就是核心思想了。略平
Hinkly 2014-11-29
有质感的小熊 2017-10-22
快乐的憨豆 2020-10-15
Kathleen Hughes加半星。不过为啥**总是要**新**杀老**呢。新**也会明白自己的下场的。