孤独的女牛仔原名:Ensom Cowgirl,又名Lonely Cowgirl
Alone in her apartment, Liv is counting the days until she is reunited with the woman she loves. Accompanied by her audio-tapes, she thinks back on her relationship as the solitude slowly begins to **** her mental strength.
胤祥 2022-02-21
#2022 Clermont-Ferrand ISFF Online# **竞赛单元Special Mention of the Student Jury。又一部声音作为档案/记忆的电影(这次是用录音带),情绪细腻,但就是格局太小了……
手打苦柠茶 2022-02-17
44 克莱蒙费朗 学生评审团奖,非常喜欢,情绪非常好,过往的记忆从录音带里传出,与现实空间与感情重叠,LGBT题材里看到的情绪表露最动人的,就是有点冗长了。
Mr. Lei 2022-02-20
【2022 CFISFF】录音带里留下了美好的爱情记忆
阿飞 2022-03-07
#Clermont-Ferrand ISFF 2022#以声音作为媒介重寻记忆的温度,用影像细致的放大单恋中的谵妄与迷狂。格局很小,关怀很大。