En historie om en pigetrio在线观看和下载

En historie om en pigetrio(2009)

演员: 莎拉·约尔特·蒂特莱芙瑟 爱玛·莱斯 Cathrine Bjørn Søren Højen




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《En historie om en pigetrio》剧情内容介绍

《En historie om en pigetrio》


En historie om en pigetrio

'Aarhus Stories' is the result of an unconventional partnership between film directors and song writers. The song writers' songs replace the traditional manuscript and challenge the director in an entirely new way. The films have all been shot in Aarhus in 24 hours, and they all last three to ten minutes. Kasper Winding and Thomas Blachman - both of them extremely productive, c...