

别名:Dans les griffes du maniaque / Diabolique docteur Z, Le / Miss Death / Miss Death and Dr. Z in the Grip of the Maniac / The Diabolical Dr. Z

演员: 玛贝尔·卡尔 艾斯黛拉布莱恩 Fernando Montes




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血腥大法官 克里斯托弗·李、玛丽亚·罗姆 5.4
一月河女郎 雪莉·伊顿、理查德·怀勒 5.5
5. Seeds of Evil/ 12-01
6. X312地狱之战/ 12-01
7. 噩梦连连/ 12-01
8. 狼人传说/ 12-01
9. 学爸/ 10-14
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 末路狂花钱/ 06-08
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




恶魔医生原名:Miss Muerte,又名Dans les griffes du maniaque、Diabolique docteur Z, Le、Miss Death、Miss Death and Dr. Z in the Grip of the Maniac、The Diabolical Dr. Z

Dr. Zimmer, a brilliant but eccentric scientist, develops a technique of controlling people through electronic impulses. When he reveals his findings to the scientific community, they declare him a charlatan and ask for his disbarment. Shattered, Dr. Zimmer dies of a heart attack but implores his lovely daughter Irma to carry on his work. She vows to avenge her father, and to t...

独孤修德 2021-06-29


字母君 2020-03-25
