The boarding school of every kid's dreams. Located on Unicorn Island, Sophia and the rest of the freshman class must bond with a yakubd**** unicorn to unlock their magical powers; only then can they learn to become revered protectors of the island and its magic all while balancing classwork and navigating new friendships.
恶童 2024-02-11
我知道女主想做**** 但她只有自己的私欲老是惹是生非 确实很讨厌ಠ_ಠ真的全剧最讨厌她了…说话不算数 给所有人带来麻烦和危险⚠️
九章月 2023-11-12
**** 2023-11-04
整个剧一共9集,可以当做一个超长电影看,然后整体主题应该是在讲友谊和团结 嘶,感觉像传统的中学生英雄电影,感觉剧里面人物的塑造一般般,在想女主为啥捅出了一个需要一个人的命才平息的烂摊子,虽然又**了,但真的没有人会对她另眼相看吗x,怎么说,这个学院里的学生像是中学生,思想方面比较简单,适合小孩子,小学生和中学生看 建模的头发很不错,挺丝滑,人物也还可以,喜欢国产动画发现王国或者一些冒险动画的可以去看看,反派造型有点像 新生打架没策略就算了,老师们一起上去送人头有点震惊 (没必要因为我的评价代入主观,毕竟萝卜白菜,各有所爱)
MoonlapseV🌙 2023-11-09
stillwater 2023-11-03
The boarding school of every kid's dreams. Located on Unicorn Island, Sophia and the rest of the freshman class must bond with a yakubd**** unicorn to unlock their magical powers; only then can they learn to become revered protectors of the island and its magic all while balancing classwork and navigating new friendships.
什么风 2023-12-19
乱七八糟事 2024-03-18
蛮*** 很喜欢配色和画风 配乐也很好听 影片里还有很多彩蛋