短发和卷发原名:The Short & Curlies,
Joy works in a chemists and gets to know Clive as he comes in for various things – their relationship develop even though she seems to be having different conversations from him, as he is always just ****** bad jokes. Joy gets her hair done by Betty in the local hairdressers; Betty cannot stop talking for a second, even when she goes home to her daughter Charlene. (Plot by...
paradiso 2023-06-11
和暗淡时刻连播的等于刚刚看前作女老师分析完笑话只有几种类型就见小伙**大卫休里斯只靠谐音梗无往不利(我真的觉得挺好笑的)跟秀恩爱的主角组比(介绍男友只说很高金发碧眼 没错啊哈哈哈),对照组的理发店老板娘母女俩怎么说日子还得照样过心态其实还可以 八十年代五颜六色廉价感用胶片拍好好看@siff美琪
limo 2021-06-17
【David Thewlis】生活就是充满了笑不出来但又只能陪笑的烂gag。(大卫休里斯后来在大银幕上遛了两次鸟用实力证明自己确实是size extra large.
橙子换马甲 2023-06-17
继续电影节重刷。。这个短片的尴尬社交主要来自大DT的烂笑话,听他开口就想扇死他,但滤镜下那时候的大DT还是好cute,感谢电影院没人看到我的全程姨母笑(捂脸 【2006年没有意义但可作为八卦保留的短评:OMG, Alison Steadman was Mike Leigh's wife! And she played in "Entertaining Mr. Sloane" on stage in 2001. omg omg...】
Virgil 2023-12-02
IRIS 2010-06-30
吹牛** 2023-06-23
似乎继承了英国的戏剧传统,对白扮演的角色就如有声片初期一般占据高位。演员的身姿手势也退而成为衬托对白的次要元素。 2023.6.17
冰红深蓝 2020-08-16
男主是大卫·休里斯(卢平教授),总爱开**自以为有趣的蹩脚玩笑,女友喜欢关注自己的发型,不断尝试新发型,长得太漂亮了吧~ (7.0/10)
stknight 2010-06-06
A short comedy by Mike Leigh about the romance between a young woman and a man who communicates only through jokes and humor. The story is told as a series of very short vignettes between her and the man and her and her doting mother, a hairdresser.
Panda的影音 2021-10-06
btr 2023-06-11
与《暗淡时光》同样怪异但有趣得多,因为充满了段子。(「Two peanuts walking down the road. One was a salted.」)